The poet and novelist Irena Šťastná was awarded the Jantar Prize (2019), nominated for the Magnesia Litera Award (2016) and the Dresden Lyrics Prize (2012). Her literary texts were translated into English, German, Portuguese, Hindi, Polish, Slovak, Portuguese. Šťastná published 5 books of poetry /Zámlky (Everything Unsaid), Brno 2006; Všechny tvoje smrti (All Your Deaths), Prag 2010; Živorodky (Lifebearers), Opava 2013; Žvýkání jader (Chewing on the Cores), Brno 2015; Sen o třetí plíci (Dream of the Third Lung), Ostrava 2018/, Dny. Noci. A co víc? (Days. Nights. What else?), Brno 2021. The newest book Žena ve tvaru sklenice (Woman in the Shape of a Glass) was published in Prague in 2023.

Šťastná published poetry and short stories in foreign periodicals (Poetry Cornwall; BODY - International Online Literary Journal, Nowe peryferie, Wydavnictwo J, Saar Sansaar); in foreign anthologies and almanacs - You Who Write, anthology of contemporary Czech women's stories, 2011 in Portuguese, One hundred best Czech poems, 2018; Über den Dächern das Licht, 2014; Klare Begegnungen 2018, Czech - German anthology of poetry.

Šťastná was born as Irena Václavíková in 1978. She lives in Dobroslavice, a small village in North Moravia in the Czech Republic. She graduated from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ostrava (A master's degree focusing on the Czech language and Literary Science) and the Faculty of Philosophy and Science at the Silesian University, Opava (BA in Library and Information Studies).

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